Accessing Title Funds

At the beginning of each school year, New York City yeshivas and day schools receive funding allocations through Title IIA, III, and IV funds. These allocations can be used throughout the year for professional development, materials, technology, furniture, and many other needs. The most effective and strategic way to utilize these funds is to begin planning and assessing your school’s needs early in the school year. 

To access these funds, schools must follow specific steps. To secure professional development, schools must use a contracted vendor. To procure materials and technology, schools must submit a workplan through the Professional Learning Portal/Taaris. Please note that all workplans must be submitted on the portal for approval by March 7th for PD workplans for $25K or more, and by March 21st for PD workplans for less than $25K and for materials work plans. 

Additionally, earlier this month, schools that spent at least 70% of their original Title IIA and IV funds for the 2024-2025 school year were issued a secondary allocation. Please note that these secondary funds must be allocated by February 17, 2025, and services must be completed by June 30, 2025.  

If you have any questions, would like assistance creating a work plan, or need instructions for purchasing materials and technology, we’re here to help. Feel free to contact Daniella Rosenberg at for guidance.