We are approaching the February 28th deadline for the 2022-23 RFP for the New York State Securing Communities Against Hate Crimes (SCAHC) grant. This year’s RFP is unique in several ways. First, a single building can qualify for up to three $50K grants for a total of $150K, provided that the measures proposed in each grant are distinct and have never been applied for through the Anti-Hate Crimes grant. Second, an organization can apply for a fourth $50K grant for cybersecurity. If you have any questions regarding the current RFP, please reach out to one of our staffers.
After almost a year of waiting, the NYS Division of Criminal Justice Services (DCJS) has initiated the new procurement process for grantees of the 2021-22 RFP. While similar to the NYS Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Services (DHSES) procurement process, there are some changes to keep in mind. Stay tuned for future newsletter editions for more information about how to utilize this crucial funding.
Teach NYS not only worked to create this grant security funding stream but also assists organizations will all aspects of the process, including grant implementation. Please be in touch with us if your organization would like assistance.