HOLLYWOOD, FL – In a visit arranged by Teach Florida, Governor Rick Scott announced his recommendation for increased funding of nonpublic Jewish school security at Katz Hillel Day School of Boca Raton on October 16, followed up with a similar announcement in Orlando October 19 at the Roth Family JCC.
Scott announced a $1 million proposed allocation for 2018-19, up from $654,000 this year.
“I know many Floridians have been horrified by the threats against our Jewish schools and communities last year. We have absolutely zero tolerance for these hateful and anti-Semitic acts and our state has taken important action to keep our students and families safe,”
said Governor Scott.
Daniel Adler, a board member at the school and vice chairman of Teach Florida thanked Governor Scott saying, “With increasing hate and anti-Semitic incidents around the country, it’s powerful for us to know that we have your support.”
The proposed funding will cover hardening school security, such as cameras, shatter proof windows and fencing.
The Governor’s care for children was evident not just through the proposed funding. As he entered the grounds among hundreds of children holding handmade signs, Governor Scott shook hands, crouched down to sign banners, flags and even one student’s cast, and praised the students.
“Teach Florida welcomes Governor Scott’s strong support of safe schools for all students,” said Mimi Jankovits, executive director of Teach Florida. “Together with the legislature, we are proud to live in a state that immediately stepped up to help secure students in face of increased anti-Semitism and hate crimes.”
Teach Florida advocates for fair government funding of Jewish nonpublic schools to give children the best, safest and most affordable education possible. For more information, contact Mimi Jankovits, Executive Director, at mimij@ou.org; (954) 406-6336.
See photo album of visit below:
Gov.Rick Scott greets Katz Hillel Students
Gov. Scott at Katz Hillel with Rabbis and Guests
Gov. Scott with 8th graders