As the school year is starting to wind down, it’s important to understand the Title I process for the coming 23-24 school year and start your planning. All NYC yeshivas and day schools have to complete an Intent to Participate and subsequent Needs Assessment on the TAARIS system to prioritize the services that you want students to receive. It’s important to do your planning now so your Needs Assessment will be reflective of your program vision. While not finalized yet, the Intent to Participate process will open shortly and close on May 17. Please keep an eye out for more information regarding this as there may be some changes this year. The Needs Assessment window should be open roughly from the middle of May to the middle of June and will look very similar to last year.
Concurrently, the Title I Educational Survey will open in mid May on the NPSIS system. It’s crucial to nominate students in line with your Needs Assessment as you can’t serve students that aren’t nominated on the Educational Survey. You can also nominate students for summer services this year, even if they weren’t yet nominated on the system for the 22-23 school year.
This past year marked the first time in which yeshivas and day schools were limited to the dollars that they generated on the Title I Generating Funds Survey, completed in the fall of the preceding year. While these figures haven’t come out yet, you should keep in mind the dollars you generated last year in your program planning.
Title I in NYC has changed a lot over the last few years, and there are a lot of new, very successful strategies that schools are employing to help needy students, among them mentoring, tutoring, and parenting help through parent engagement centers throughout the City.
Please reach out to our office if you have any questions about the process or need help to better understand the potential benefits of a Title I program.