The New York State budget process consists of the Governor, the Senate, and the Assembly proposing their own budgets and then negotiating a final budget which is due April 1st. The Senate, and the Assembly recently released their individual budgets which followed the Governor’s a few weeks agao. See below for a snapshot of notable items in both budgets which will now be negotiated between the Senate, Assembly and Governor’s office. These increases and new programs only come to be because of activists like you, school partners, coalition partners, and stakeholders. We are so thankful to you, to our coalition partners, and advocates throughout the state who fought so hard for these programs and funds.
Arts and Music Teacher Reimbursement: the Senate budget provides $5 million for this brand new program. This program will mimic the historic STEM reimbursement program in reimbursing the salaries of qualified Arts and Music teachers.
STEM Teacher Reimbursement: The Senate budget provides $70 million for the STEM teacher reimbursement program while the Assembly budget provides $80 million. This program continues to be a revolutionary one for our schools. The continual expansion of this program undoubtedly demonstrates the state’s commitment to making sure all students have the knowledge and skills they need to thrive in our technology driven society.
Universal Free Lunch: Both the Senate and the Assembly funded this program at $280 million. Thank you to the thousands of you for taking action with our action alert, urging the state to make this a reality. If you have not yet sent your letters please take 30 seconds and click here. It is imperative that you share this with your school’s parent body since every letter sent makes a difference!
Nonpublic School Safety Equipment (NPSE): The Assembly budget increased this program by $15 million bringing the new total to $60 million. This program covers capital funding for nonpublic school health and safety projects to support costs related to health and safety equipment; security personnel; related assessments and training needs of nonpublic schools; and repair and maintenance of buildings, facilities, appurtenances, equipment, and systems to maintain the health and safety of school building occupants.