Ben Porat Yosef, a private Jewish school in Paramus, will make the attempt with local officials on hand
PARAMUS, NJ — History could be made in the borough Wednesday.
More than 500 students from Ben Porat Yosef, a private Jewish religious school, will stand together and try to make the world’s largest human menorah. A representative from the “Guinness World Book of Records” will be on hand to certify the world record, if it is achieved.
Students will wear various colored clothes to attempt to make the menorah. The younger students will wear orange and red to represent candle flames and the older students will make the candles and stand.
“They are trying to foster a sense of unity within the school and get the students excited to do something special for the Hanukkah holiday,” said Renee Klyman, a school liaison and event coordinator for Teach NJS, which the school belongs to. “
State Senators Loretta Weinberg (D-37) and Mayor Richard LaBarbiera will attend the world-record attempt.