We recently learned that FY 2022 Nonprofit Security Grant Program (NSGP) Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) will be released on or about Friday, May 13. While this means that organizations cannot submit an application for at least another few weeks, it is imperative that your organization begin preparing all of your application materials. Once the NOFO is released there is unfortunately a short turnaround period for organizations to submit an application. We want you to have the best chance at submitting an application and receiving an NSGP award. It is therefore important for your organization to do the following now, prior to the release of the NOFO:
Confirm that your organization is prequalified on Grants Gateway
Get a Unique Entity ID (UEI). Click here to download instructions.
Confirm that your organization has a completed risk assessment or a self-assessment on file. You can complete a self-assessment here.
Register for E-grants. The registration form is available here. E-Grants is where you will submit your application and all required documents.
Familiarize yourself with the Investment Justification, which is the grant application itself, and try writing a draft proposal. Compile estimates for the security measures listed on your assessment, if possible, to determine how to properly allocate the grant funding. Note: The IJ will be a simpler document this year with redundant parts omitted, but the basic structure of the proposal will be the same. The document will no longer be in excel format as well.