STEM Funding Year 3 Released!


NYSED has just released the Year 3 STEM teacher reimbursements after a more than 19-month wait. These reimbursements covered school year 19-20, and the total pot of money available was 30 million dollars.  

Here are some exciting figures from Year 3: 

Total Amount Reimbursed to Jewish Schools: $10,506,378 

Total Amount of Money Reimbursed to Teach Member Schools: $8,129,612 

Total Number of Jewish Schools Receiving Reimbursement: 115 

Total Number of Teach Member Schools Receiving Reimbursement: 67 

Largest Reimbursement Received by a Jewish School: $847,046 

Largest Reimbursement Received by Any School: $1,053,411 

These numbers speak for themselves! The Year 4 applications were submitted this past August, and the total allocation was the same as Year 3, $30 million. Current year’s (Year 5) applications are due on August 1 and were just released. The allocation is $40 million. Please contact our Associate Director of Government Programs, Adam Katz, for all your STEM program needs at: