The Mandated Services Aid breakout session focused on a general policy update as well as a presentation about how the use of parsonage or other unallowable expenses can adversely affect your claim. Some of the more important points of the presentation include:
- Legislation passed in 2018 but that still hasn’t been implemented has the potential to positively affect claims by 2-3%.
- Claim reviews were extensive for the school year 20-21 claims with NYSED requesting original documents, like payroll, for the first time. Reviews are projected to be comprehensive in the coming year and beyond, so it’s important for schools to make sure that all data used on claims is verified and audit-ready.
- The issue of parsonage and its role in claims may start to be discussed on a policy level with decision makers.
- NYSED is interested in a system-wide overhaul of its data systems which would hopefully improve the speed and efficiency of Mandated Services claims as well as other program applications that utilize current outdated data systems.
- When determining which employees will perform a mandate, schools should consider whether the employees have large amounts of parsonage, since that will adversely affect the claim.
- On testing mandates, using individuals that don’t work for the school is problematic as there are no wages to claim for the mandate.
- Travel to pick up exams is reimbursable and generally a better choice than spending money to store exams on site.
- Calculators are reimbursable through Mandated Services. It is a waste to use Title funds or other funds allocations to purchase calculators. You can’t buy a new set every year, but you may not need to.
Our Mandated Services staff are a resource for you, and we encourage you to stay in close contact with them to guide you through all your needs in this critical program.