Upcoming Deadlines for STEM Masters Programs

Does your school have any teachers enrolled in our masters program partnerships with Touro University, SUNY Empire, or Gratz College? So far, over 30 teachers at about 20 member schools have enrolled teachers. Collectively, these teachers will bring hundreds of thousands of dollars in reimbursements to their schools.

This financial benefit is incredible, representing a staggering return-on-investment for your schools. Through our partnerships, a full degree will cost about $10,000 – representing discounts ranging from 27-54% – and will result in reimbursements ranging from $25,000 to $50,000 per teacher, per year.

Now is the time to have your teachers apply: the Touro University deadline is 12/20 and Gratz College has multiple entry points throughout the year. Have your teachers apply today!

If you’d like to learn more about these partnerships and how they can impact your finances and quality of education, you can visit our website here or reach out to Adam Katz at katza@teachcoalition.org. If your school isn’t yet a member, please also reach out to learn more about membership and how you can access these partnerships.