Click here if you’re an interested nonpublic school Click here if you’re an
interested teacher

The NJ STEM Initiative, championed by Teach NJ (a nonprofit), allows qualified NJ public school teachers to teach STEM subjects (Science, Technology, Math, Engineering, and more) in nonpublic schools, at no cost to participating nonpublic schools.

This initiative, through which teachers will be paid by the NJ Department of Education, was created to help schools address rising costs of STEM education, the growing shortage of qualified STEM teachers in the state, and the need to expand STEM education offerings to all students, helping prepare them for the future. For more details, see here.

STEM NJ in the News

Are you a nonpublic school?
Are you a public school teacher?

How much will I get paid to teach through this program?

Contact us for your rate if you are a part-time or substitute teacher

Key Program Points:

  • Applications for Year 6 (2025-26 school year) will open in early December.
  • The teaching window for Year 6 will be the 2025-2026 school year, effective from July 1, 2025 – June 30, 2026.
  • The hours that teachers can teach at nonpublic schools through this program must be outside of their public school responsibilities.
  • The program will provide funds to pay qualified STEM-subject teachers who will teach one or more regular school courses at a nonpublic school.
  • All nonpublic schools are eligible to apply.
  • Eligible courses are those in STEM subject areas, such as Science, Mathematics, IT, Coding, Robotics, Biology, and more.
  • Teachers can teach any grade (5th-12th) in nonpublic schools.
  • To qualify to participate in the program, a current NJ public school teacher must be teaching the 2025-26 school year in a public school and meet any one of the following:
    1. Teach any STEM-subject in a New Jersey public school.
    2. Hold an NJ teaching certificate with an endorsement in a STEM field, such as science, mathematics, technology education, or computer science education.
    3. Be enrolled/plan to enroll in a degree program or sequence of courses to prepare for subject matter certification, or
Click here if you're an interested nonpublic school Click here if you're an
interested teacher

Frequently Asked Questions

Why was this program created?
To assist in addressing the difficulties schools face in attracting qualified educators in the STEM fields, to improve statewide access to education in the STEM fields, as well as to address the workforce demands of New Jersey’s economy.
What will happen to existing nonpublic STEM teachers?
This program is intended to fill existing openings and to expand STEM offerings. It is not intended to replace current STEM teachers.
How many teachers and courses may a nonpublic school request?
At present, there is no maximum number of teachers and courses a nonpublic school may request. Note, the program will likely be competitive, so schools might not receive all requested teachers and courses.
Will nonpublic schools save money?
Salaries for teachers typically make up the largest recurring expense in nonpublic schools’ budgets. This program allows nonpublic schools to find qualified STEM educators and expand existing STEM related programs with funding from the State, not the school’s operating budget.
How will the teacher be paid?
The teacher's district will pay the teacher directly.
How do we choose the course and schedule?
The teacher and the school will create classes/curricula and schedule/s that work for everyone.
Can the instruction provided be a hybrid of in-person and online classes?
The instruction for STEM classes funded through this program should be provided in a format that is consistent with the nonpublic school’s instructional format at the time. Grant funded classes can be held virtually only to the extent the nonpublic school holds virtual classes during the regular school day.
What are the rules a participating teacher must follow?
Participating teachers in the program must follow the nonpublic school’s faculty rules and guidelines as well as meet teaching obligations outlined in contracts.
How can I get my school to participate?
Please reach out to Teach NJ. We will help you with the process from A-Z. Call Adam Katz at (212) 613-8311 or for more information
Why was this program created?
To assist in addressing the difficulties schools face in attracting qualified educators in the STEM fields, to improve statewide access to education in the STEM fields, as well as to address the workforce demands of New Jersey’s economy.
How will I be paid?
The teacher will be paid an hourly rate based on the teacher's public school teaching salary.
How do we choose the course and schedule?
You and the school will work together to create classes/curricula and schedule/s that work for both you and school.
Can the instruction provided be a hybrid of in-person and online classes?
The instruction for STEM classes funded through this program should be provided in a format that is consistent with the nonpublic school’s instructional format at the time. Grant funded classes can be held virtually only to the extent the nonpublic school holds virtual classes during the regular school day.
What type of courses can I teach?

An eligible teacher can teach any STEM subject in a nonpublic school, regardless of endorsement subject or subject taught in the public school. So, for example, a public school physics teacher can math in a nonpublic school. Basically, if you are an eligible teacher, you can teach any STEM subject you want in a nonpublic school.

Eligible courses are those in STEM subject areas, including Science, Mathematics, IT, Coding, Robotics, Biology, and more.

Which grades can I teach?
You can teach any grades in a nonpublic school which your certification allows you to teach in a public school
Can part-time teachers participate?
Full-time and part-time NJ public school teachers are both eligible to apply for this program.
How many classes/courses can I teach?
Teachers can teach as many courses and classes as they can fit into their schedule, as long as they do not conflict with any public school responsibilities.
I am a substitute teacher, can I participate?
Yes, as long as you will teach the required number of days as a substitute in your district, you will remain eligible.   
Will Teach NJ help with the paperwork?
Yes! Teach NJ and the school can help you with everything!
How do I sign up?
If you'd like to participate, please submit your information by clicking the red box above that says "Click here if you're an interested teacher". Submitting your information does NOT commit you to anything. Nonpublic schools will be sent your information and they may reach out about teaching in their school.
Are charter school teachers eligible to participate in the program?
Unfortunately, charter school teachers are not eligible to participate.
I am retiring from my public school next year, can I participate in this program?
Unfortunately, only a teacher that is currently teaching in the public school system can participate.

For more information...

If you are from a nonpublic school, please reach out to Adam Katz at

If you are a public school teacher, please reach out to Ronit Mershon at