Title I provides support for students who are struggling academically who reside in participating public school Title I attendance areas. While funding is determined based on the number of low income students residing in Title-I attendance areas, Title I funding may be spent on any student who is struggling academically and resides within the areas served, regardless of economic need. The funding can be used for tutoring, mentoring, counseling, support services, professional development, and/or educational technology. CONTACT Luwando Wright at

Title II provides support for preparing and training high quality teachers. The funding for this program is driven by enrollment at the nonpublic school and can be used for teacher coaching or professional development. CONTACT Dorina Varsamis at

Title IV provides support for well-rounded education. This funding is driven by enrollment at the nonpublic school and can be used very flexibly for many allowable uses which include, but are not limited to educational technology, professional development, and student support services. In addition, Title IV funds can also be used to fund after-school programs. This funding falls under Title IV’s “21” Century Schools” program. CONTACT Lourdes Gomez at


Child Find

Point of contact:

Ms. Theresa A. Spurlock           |



Step 1: Requesting an Evaluation

  • All children suspected of having a disability can be evaluated by the school district where their school is located to determine if they are eligible for special education services. The district must perform a “full and individual” evaluation at no cost to the parents. The evaluation should be comprehensive enough to identify all areas of disability.
  • Students must be referred by their parents and parents should highlight their specific concerns in all areas of development including academic, functional, behavioral, and social and emotional areas. Teachers’ concerns should also be detailed in the request for an evaluation.
  • Parents should reach out to their district contact:
    • Broward-Theresa Spurlock
  • After reaching out the district has 30 days to decide whether to perform the evaluation and obtain parental consent. If the district refuses to evaluate the student, they must provide a written notice of refusal within the 30-day timeline.
    • Helpful tip- parents must hold the district accountable for meeting this 30-day timeline. The child find clock does not start until after this 30-day period.

Step 2: Signing Consent Form

  • Parents should promptly return their signed consent to the district. Once parental consent is signed the district has 60 calendar days to perform a full and comprehensive evaluation in all areas of the suspected disability.

Step 3: Evaluation

  • Parents should provide any medical records and academic data available to the school district and share any of their concerns with the district in writing.
  • Although Florida law requires data-based interventions for public school students suspected of having a disability, these interventions are not required for private school students.
  • Parents should reach out to the support services director at their child’s school for support in completing the paperwork.


Step 4: Eligibility Determination Meeting and Developing the IEP

  • Parents are an important part of the IEP team. Active participation and advocacy from parents is key to a successful outcome in these meetings.
  • A private school staff member should attend whenever possible.

Step 5: Service plans

  • Students who are found eligible by the district where their school is located and would like to receive services onsite at their private school will receive a service plan if they are designated to receive services during the consultation process.
  • These services may be more limited than those provided on an IEP.


Equitable services for private school students

  • Evaluations and reevaluations
  • Reading and/or math services for up to 2 hours per week in small group at the private school.
  • After school speech/language services for up to 1 hour a week are at a public school site
  • Consultation
Your active role in completing each step of the consultation
process ensures that students who need the services and are
eligible, get the services. Don't allow them to miss this critical
opportunity in their educational career.